The Dead Walk by J. Anderson Black. Includes information on zombie folklore plus the history of movies about the "walking dead," meaning the undead other than vampires. Most of the film history recited here is that of zombies and mummies, plus you'll see a few other films supposedly about the "symbolic undead" that do not seem to belong.
The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks. The Zombie Survival Guide is your key to survival against the hordes of undead who may be stalking you right now. This humorous guide tells you how to live through a zombie invasion. It is actually a parody of a survival guide, written by a Saturday Night Live staff writer.
Encyclopedia of the Undead: A Field Guide to Creatures That Cannot Rest in Peace by Bob Curran. This folklore collection covers zombies and several other types of undead creatures.
The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis. The original famous account of one scientist's quest to get to the bottom of the Haitian zombie legends. The author finds that the "zombie poison" used by voodoo priests just fakes death. The zombies are not rotting corpses, but scared slaves who are afraid of the zombie master's power. This was the basis for the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow.
Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie by Wade Davis. An anthropologist explains how the "real" zombies of Haiti come to exist after looking into Bizango secret societies and the rites that are believed by the populace to create zombies. This is a follow-up book to The Serpent and the Rainbow.
The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia by Peter Dendle. Contains information on over 200 zombie films, including foreign zombie movies. It has a historial overview and also advises which works are best. Television and short films are also covered.
Document of the Dead (DVD) This documentary chronicles the work of indepedent filmmaker George A. Romero, the most famous creator of zombie films. It was made during the filming of Dawn of the Dead, and it contains material on both zombie movies and Romero's entire career up to that point.
Tell My Horse : Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica by Zora Neale Hurston. A well-known author and folklorist tells of her experiences in the 1930's as an initiate in Voodoo, and she also discusses the associated beliefs and legends.
Voodoo in Haiti by Alfred Metraux. A comprehensive and objective outsider's view of Voodoo and related legends from the standpoint of anthropology. Contains material on the history of this religion, the social framework of how it fits into society, and what people believe about the power of Voodoo.
White Zombie: Anatomy of a Horror Film by Gary Don Rhodes. This work in film theory analyzes the cult classic 1932 film White Zombie from every angle, including the influence it had on later zombie films.
Secrets of Voodoo by Milo Rigaud. An overview of Voodoo beliefs, presenting it as a religion worthy of respect, trying to dispell the bad reputation.
Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema by Jamie Russell. This film history tells the story of zombies as portrayed in the movies, focusing on trends such as the changeover from an enslaved laborer beholden to a Voodoo priest to a corpse-like spreader of disease who likes snacking on human brains.
Eaten Alive!: Italian Cannibal and Zombie Movies by Jay Slater. A chronological history of this unique, ultraviolent genre of films. It includes Italian movies about cannibalism, many of them involving zombies.
The Evil Dead Companion by Bill Warren. Chronicles the making of the classic zombie films by Sam Raimi, Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness. It also includes interviews, storyboards and info on Within The Woods, the work that came before Evil Dead.