Cabal by Clive Barker. In this classic, a mental patient escapes to a city of zombies and is turned into a zombie shapeshifter. As a zombie, he must confront the serial killer who is after his girlfriend.
Reign of the Dead by Len Barnhart. A standard zombie storyline about an ordinary man who returns from vacation to find that the world has been taken over by a plague of zombies.
Resident Evil: Genesis by Keith R.A. DeCandido. A novelization based on the first Resident Evil movie.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse by Keith R.A. DeCandido. A novelization of the second Resident Evil movie, Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
Xombies by Walter Greatshell. A girl with a condition that keeps her from menstruating is one of the few female survivors of a zombie virus outbreak that targets women more than men. She heads to the arctic with an all-male submarine crew, seeking an unpopulated area where zombies have not yet taken hold.
Divine Fire by Melanie Jackson. In this romance novel, an immortal Lord Byron teams up with his biographer to battle a mad scientist and his army of zombies.
The Rising by Brian Keene. In a world that has been taken over by zombies, one loving father sets out to find and save his son.
Risen by J. Knight. A small town is slowly taken over by a demonic force. The dead rise as zombies who are loyal to this demon.
Gil's All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez. In this humorous novel, the owner of an all-night diner hires a werewolf and a vampire to get rid of some zombies.
The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher Moore. After a boy sees the murder of a man dressed as Santa, he prays for a miracle to save Christmas. A not-so-bright angel answers his prayer and soon zombie Santa and his minions are threatening the whole town.
The Umbrella Conspiracy: Resident Evil #1 by S.D. Perry. An adaptation of the first Resident Evil video game. This entire series is based on the video games, not the films.
Caliban Cove: Resident Evil #2 by S.D. Perry. Rebecca Chambers and her team of Raccoon City S.T.A.R.S. operatives try to uncover more nasty Umbrella Corporation experiments and must stop a mad scientist before it is too late.
City of the Dead: Resident Evil #3 by S.D. Perry. Adapted from the video game storyline of Resident Evil 2. Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield wander around a city taken over by the undead, searching for Claire's brother.
Underworld: Resident Evil #4 by S.D. Perry. Claire Redfield, Rebecca Chambers and other characters from the video games must battle new mutants and dinosaur-like creatures.
Nemesis: Resident Evil #5 by S.D. Perry. Jill Valentine tries to escape from zombie-infested Raccoon City, but the Umbrella Corporation has turned loose its failsafe ultimate predator, Nemesis, in order to clean the city of everything undead or alive.
Code: Veronica: Resident Evil #6 by S.D. Perry. Adapted from the video game Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Claire Redfield and Steve Burnside are taken prisoner and sent to an Umbrella Corporation lab. They escape when zombies take over.
Zero Hour: Resident Evil #7 by S.D. Perry. The last of this series, based on the video game.
The Dead by Mark E. Rogers. In this theological thriller, the apocalypse happens but nobody notices until the dead begin to rise. These zombies are actually the demons of hell, here to torment those who were not plucked to heaven at the moment of judgement.