The Cryptid Zoo: Flying Monsters

People have been reporting strange things in the sky for thousands of years. Some of the sightings were of monsters. These creatures were usually described as resembling dragons in at least a vague way. Other times, they resembled whales, machines, or even weirder things. Some of these creatures soared through the air by beating wings of feather or skin, but others simply flew or floated with no visible means of support.
Winged dragons hover over a ruined cityscape in the film 'Reign of Fire'. This screenshot is copyrighted by those who own the copyright to the film.

A great number of conflicting explanations have been put forth by various people to explain sightings of flying monsters. Some UFO scientists have proposed that all of these sightings are actually UFOs that are mistaken for living creatures- perhaps because the UFO occupants tried to make their crafts appear organic.

Others have suggested that the opposite is true. According to John Philip Bessor, UFOs are not spaceships from another planet. Instead they are creatures that are called atmospheric beasts (or, misleadingly, they are called "space animals" even though they are not supposed to come from outer space). These creatures are life forms that are native to Earth. They supposedly live in the clouds and have bodies so lightweight and fragile that one has never remained intact after the death of the animal.

Whether you choose to believe one of the above theories, something else altogether, or nothing at all, I hope that this section of the Cryptid Zoo at least makes you think about what might be up there.

Atmospheric Beasts
Classic Dragons (Western Cultures)
Classic Dragons (Non-Western Cultures)
Jersey Devil
Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls
Sky Serpents

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

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